Social Media

Common mistakes that a business make in Digital Marketing
Common mistakes businesses make in Digital Marketing
1 Not setting clear goals “Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.” - Tony Robbins Some companies start putting their digital marketing knowledge into practice without even setting up an objective or a goal....
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Why Instagram Has Switched off “Likes”?
|| this a positive or negative action? A new test run from Instagram has stopped exhibiting ‘likes’ underneath posts from users in many counties. These countries include Australia, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Brazil, and New Zealand. Why did Instagram opt for...
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Digital Marketing Blog, By George Digital Australia
Digital marketing trends in 2019
Digital marketing is here to stay. You cannot escape it if you have a desire to widen your reach to your target group of customers. Digital marketing has become vital for all businesses. This is because of the unprecedented spread...
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social media blog, social media marketing, digital marketing agency hobart, By George Digtial Australia
Social Media and its importance to your digital marketing
There was a time a decade ago when befriending Google was enough to market products and services.   Today, social media marketing has become equally important. All businesses, big and small, local and multinational, recognise the crucial importance of social...
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instagram blog,instagram business,digital marketing, By George Digital Australia
How to increase your following on Instagram
Beautiful photos and captions are not enough as you also need something more to add to your followers on Instagram. Instagram is a wonderful social media platform that relies on visual content to catch the attention of people. It has...
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website not ranking, seo blog, digital marketing blogs australia, digital marketing agency
Why is your website not ranking highly on Google?
There can be a number of reasons behind poor rankings. Your website structure and SEO is perhaps the most important. When you have a website made for your business, it is your natural desire to make it highly visible to...
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